Bye bye, welcome DNSSEC!

A few days ago I asked Aruba’s technical support to add IPv6 glue to my domain because I can’t do it from their control panel, what did they told me? They told that’s my task adding AAAA records since I’m using my own DNS server! They didn’t even know what’s a DNS Glue record…
The glue records need to be created on the parent name servers because they are needed to prevent circular references. More about glue records:
That’s why yesterday I asked to transfer my .biz domain ( to another registrar which supports both IPv6 and DNSSEC and here we are with a completely automatic DNSSEC deployment and key rollover! That’s for the authoritative, but obviously our internal recursive dns server does validate DNSSEC signatures.
Wake up, we aren’t in the Middle Ages since a long time! We need IPv6 glue and DNSSEC!


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